Intersex Russia/OII Russia
Intersex organization based in Moscow Russia, working on spreading awareness on the topic of intersex, providing accurate and positive representation of the intersex community and the issues our community is facing, fighting pathologization and medicalization and providing support for intersex people. Intersex people to intersex people for intersex people.
Our mission is to provide accurate and positive representation of the intersex community in Russia, to raise awareness about the existence of intersex people and the issues that our community faces, to make a strong stance for de-pathologization and de-medicalization of the lives of intersex people throughout all of our activities, and to, over time, create a strong network of intersex support groups across the country.
Интерсекс Россия или Intersex Russia была основана в марте 2017 года.
Мы - инициативная группа молодых интерсекс людей и активистов из Москвы. Мы занимаемся распространением достоверной информации по интерсекс теме, борьбой за права интерсекс людей и поддержкой интерсекс сообщества в России. Мы всегда рады сотрудничеству!
Intersex Russia members in the media

Our Work

Photo by Ins A Kromminga

Photos from Brave Fest 14-15/07/18 in Nizhny Novgorod on VK
Photographers: Евгений Беззубов, Конева Людмила, Маргарита Парфёнова, Diana Abris, Araquen Lurkov